Sunday School
LaFayette First is blessed to have several great Sunday School Classes for adults. They meet at 10:00am on the second floor of the educational wing of the church. You are welcome to join any of these classes.
Pairs and Spares
This class is a mix of couples and singles, discussing and studying topics relevant to today's living. Pairs and Spares is taught by Diana Lawrence. Everyone welcome.
TOC (The Other Class)
This class is led by Dr. Teddy Scoggins and is comprised of young to middle age adults, couples and singles. They study the books of the Bible, often isolating on one passage. It is informal and open discussion although participants are not required to "answer questions".
Parents with Children
This class is perfect for anyone with children ages birth through college. This class focuses on current issues facing families as well as current issues facing the church. This class also supports the community through various mission projects.
Youth and Children
We also offer Sunday School classes for all youth and children ages, and Nursery.
Disciple Bible Studies